Somehow, it is already December.
Last week was October, and November was a blur of deadlines and decisions, hardly a month on its own.
Now, we must face our fast approaching obligations for better or for worse.
This can cause a great deal of anxiety, and I know first-hand how that numbing uneasiness can seep into every aspect of your life.
You will be fine.
You are trying and, sometimes, that is enough.
You know more than you think you do, so take that with you as you approach these next few weeks.
You have worked so hard, and it's okay to feel the burn-out, it's okay to feel physically ill, and it's especially okay to decelerate when the things you used to love become chores.
Take a risk. Study for that class you're afraid of "failing". Ask someone (anyone) for help, no matter how small you believe your challenges to be in comparison to others. Stop comparing yourself to others and compare yourself to yourself. Sometimes it's the only thing you can do.
Kill these finals. That essay won't write itself, that textbook won't read itself, but you determine how you study smartest, not hardest. As these four months of hard work turn into two weeks of expedited review, prioritize yourself more and more.