It's finals week and everyone is stressed. Students like you and I are spending hours on hours in the library, staring at textbooks, laptop screens and stacks of lined paper with notes scribbled all over them. I know this is a time where you may feel like just breaking down and giving up. But you can do this. One week and you're free for the summer. If you're feeling super bogged down this week, here are some things you could do to battle through it.
Spend some time outside.
Locking yourself inside a stuffy library will only make you more miserable. Take an hour or so to sit outside and get some fresh air and you'll feel more energized and rejuvenated and will be able to study more. Looking around the Quad or arboretum always puts me in a better mood.
Go get ice cream.
Never been to the infamous Maple View Farm? With the recent warmer weather, now's the perfect time to go! If you don't have a car or just feel like going somewhere closer, there's always Ben and Jerry's, Yopo, and Sweet Frog right on Franklin. Studies have found that ice cream really does have scientific effects that make you happy. So why not take a break and indulge?
Go for a walk or run.
Exercise helps clear your mind and gets your heart pumping and blood flowing, which will help you continue to power through your studying. Run outside and receive the benefits of fresh air as well.
Meet up with some friends for a quick lunch.
Don't hide in a study room alone all week. We are social beings and need interaction with other humans. Plus, your friends usually know how to cheer you up and make you feel better. Grab a quick lunch or coffee with a friend or two and you can all vent about your exams and hopefully laugh together too.
Listen to your favorite music.
Scientific studies show that ice cream and your favorite music produce similar sensory affects in your brain, meaning that both can make you feel happier. Don't drown yourself in the silence of the library. Listen to some good tunes for a little while and you'll feel better.
Call someone you love.
If you're really feeling down or stressed this week, call home to your mom or dad or sister or brother. Perhaps your talking to your grandmother or your best friend from home always cheers you up. Just chatting for a few minutes with them can make all the difference and provide a nice study break.
Believe it or not, staying up until 4 a.m. studying and then waking up at taking your test at 8 a.m. is not going to give you the grade you want. Your mind and body need sleep in order to perform their best. Whether this means ending your study session early to get some shut-eye, or taking short power naps throughout the day, you should try to get a sufficient amount of sleep to help yourself out during this stressful week.
Don't cram.
Do yourself a huge favor and start studying for that Friday test prior to Thursday night. You'll find yourself much less worried if you study in advance.
Don't try to overdo it.
Like I said before, you need sleep. You'll also benefit from any of the study breaks above. Allow yourself to do these things and don't overdo studying and wear yourself out before you even arrive to take your exam.
Don't stress yourself too much.
Take a deep breath and relax. At the end of the day, it's just finals. Yeah sure, they may impact your GPA, but there's more to life than scantrons and analytical essays.