Everyone within a school setting is mostly likely undergoing both the horror, stress and relaxation time that revolves around finals. What exactly is it that I am referring to? Well a final test, a paper, a presentation, a group project, and much more that is done at the end of the semester or school year. It is the tolling process that makes it aware that school will be over soon yet it is also that hurdle that must be overcome before a break will be permitted. The ironic thing about this moment is that is doesn’t just affect students; it affects teachers and professors, staff and nobody is excluded because the knowledge is set in a shared space. It is the period of time where you both want to flop out and just sleep and procrastinate and also try your hardest due to this being the last chance that exist to do anything to alter the state your grade is in. More or less this is the last stage of the metamorphism, you the student have been a caterpillar this whole time. The time spend absorbing and learning information was your growth phases. The stage with the cocoon are all the little breaks that come in between such as fall break, thanksgiving and all the holidays and breaks and whatnot. Now that the end is drawing near it is beginning to also become the moment of breaking free with finalized grades and a standing of how well you have done in the classes overall. Balance is the key with these types of situations, and to attempt to not burn out or drive yourself insane. Breaks are necessary but still completing your work and keeping a goal in mind is the best way to help. Gathering around friends to study together would probably also help in the long run because then the pain can be shared together because I am certain these feelings that are had can be exhibited within those around you. Someone somewhere is most likely doing the same project as you or at least some assignment that is just as bad, easier or worse it depends so don’t beat yourself up and remember that there are others who are going through the same fate as you. Put your best work in even if it becomes a sluggish and long process to even do the work anymore. Generally the final costs more points that all the other assignments that you have ever done but that is also something that depends which is the reason why more effort has to be put in than usual and not the reverse. Share a destressing moment at my college the thing to do to remove stress is to color and funny enough it actually works, it is a very soothing process. Just find something that you enjoy doing and do that but make sure it is something that cannot distract you for long increments or something that you cannot get out of the trance of doing so that you can return back to your work, so maybe it can’t be anything… It is not always fun, the last few assignments that must be done, half the time it is only one thing too but it is something that cannot be completed in just a few minutes and takes quite a bit of your time and life but in the end it is all worth it right? Yeah it is a stressful but once it is done satisfying time of experience. I am certain many of you have work you could be doing as we speak, I sure do, but ahem let us remember to pace ourselves during finals yet utilize out time wisely. Not to always be alone and feel bad about everything that must be done, hang out with people, and to cherish our time at school no matter how badly we want the semester and end of the year to finish and to try your best! That is all I have got, must return to doing this advice myself. Make finals a bit more enjoyable than usual by attempting these things!
Health and WellnessDec 05, 2016
Finals within School
Are they a nice Gift towards the End of the Year, or a trick in Disguise!?