Finals week is approaching and giving me anxiety. Guess all the time I spent looking up random website and watching Netflix during class has finally caught up with me. Sitting in the review classes and not knowing 50 percent of the information is giving me a little bit of stress. Okay, a lot of stress, and I have no idea what I am going to do about it.
As I sit in class, finally listening to the professor, I realize it is time to buckle down and study. I will not let finals week get the best of me. I will not have a mental breakdown over the ideals in a working-class family. It is time for me to sit down and study the notes that my friend has written, and learn the information that I should have learned in the beginning of the semester. Index cards are set out all over my room, along with notes, textbooks, and highlighters.
Guys, take my advice--do not slack off. It will be the death of you. This is the time to learn new things that you are interested in. College should not be as stressful as it is to me during finals. I know this may sound like one of your professors during the beginning of the semester, but they are not kidding. Pay attention, do not be like me. I am close to having a mental breakdown all because I wanted to watch the new season of the "Fuller House." I could have watched it at midnight instead of watching it in class when the professor was going over the “easy” final.
Finals week should only be a little bit stressful, because you must study the things you already know. It should not be you must learn an entire semester of work in one night.
Good luck guys!