Finals week is rough. I know I have pulled at least six all-nighters in the past month. At this time, you would rather be doing anything else but writing that essay, making flashcards, or drilling facts into your head. But you will get through it. You will make it to your last test. You will submit that last paper. You will pack up your dorm and head home for the summer. You will (if this applies to you) walk across the stage. This week is the only thing holding you back for a great time. So here is finals week as told by "Grey's Anatomy."
1. It's Reading Day and everything is okay!
2. When you realize you have a final the next morning...
3. When you almost over-sleep for your first final...
4. When your trying to get through the exam...
5. When your friends are trying to tell you their workload is worse...
6. When you miss dinner because you were studying...
7. When you see that all of your other friends are home for the summer...
8. When you finish that last essay...
9. When you present your last project...
10. When you rock that last final...
11. When you finish packing up your dorm...
12. When you get your grades back over summer and realize you didn't do as bad as you thought...
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