So as we all know, finals week is coming up. Yes, I know. Every reminder hurts a little more. But here is finals week as told by your favorite elf.
First you realize how much work, reviews, and papers you have to do, and it leaves you in utter shock that your professors would do this to you.
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You look at your to-do list and can't help but immediately stress out.
When people ask if you've gotten any sleep this past week, your answer is "No."
So now you basically have a caffeine IV running through your veins.
And when Starbucks gets your order wrong, you feel like your life is over.
Stress eating basically becomes a part of your normal routine.
Your professors say that the exam is exactly like the review.
And everyone pretends everything is fine.
But then you find the review on Quizlet, and everything actually is fine.
Or you hate life, just like you do right about now.
Lastly, you stress yourself out calculating what you need on the final to make an A in the class.
But then you walk out of your last final and you're like:
Good luck everyone!