Finals week is the one time of each semester that every college student swears they are going to drop out a minimum of 10858202 times (and that is just the minimum). All semester long professors are giving you these tests, papers, presentations, projects and homework, so when you get to finals week you are already burnt out and ready for break, but not so quick... You still have the biggest tests of your semester and they are all in the time span of 3 days, HOW FUN (said no one ever).
So for all of you struggling right along with me during the longest week of the semester, here's a few things to help you get through it!
You didn't come this far to only come this far.
You have stayed on top of your homework, kept your grades up and somehow managed to sleep all semester long, so don't give up now! You're almost there and once you kill these finals you won't have to come back to class for a month!
If Britney can survive 2007, you can survive finals week.
Britney Spears made it through sleeping in her car, losing custody of her kids, getting divorced and shaving her head all while being watched by the public eye: I promise you, you will make it through finals week. Just keep shotgunning those energy shots and power through, it'll be done soon!
Think about why you're here.
I know I, for one, ask myself a million times a semester why I am putting myself through this stress. Why would one wish for all nighters, mental breakdowns, a weakened immune system AND professors with mandatory attendance policies? Focus on your future after you make it through this week and you'll remember why you indirectly wished for all of it.
It's okay to cry.
Crying is totally acceptable. This is the one week of college where no one judges anyone because we all know how much the other is struggling. Just make sure to laminate your notes so that your tears don't smear the ink and don't hesitate to give someone else a shoulder if they need it.
You will make it.
It may seem like you will never make it home for Winter Break, but I promise you that you will. Just take it ten seconds at a time. Get sleep, take short breaks (no that doesn't mean 3 hour breaks), and eat healthy meals. Study the important parts of your notes and have confidence in yourself.