As far as CW teen soaps go, "One Tree Hill" takes the cake in speaking to our soul. In a town filled with love triangles, parental abandonment, death, and crazy stalkers, the show's wisdom can apply to a similar tragedy: finals week. We are going to look at just some of the times "One Tree Hill" was completely relevant to our real lives, especially when as we prepare for a terrifying exam.
You go through the trouble of booking a group study room and no one from your class shows up.
Seriously? Do they have any idea how deeply that hurts me? The only way we will survive this is if we work to come together.
Your professor tells you the exam is cumulative, with an essay.
How do I even begin to prepare for this? It will take me an entire month just to get through and review all the material. Retaining it is a whole other story.
You stop caring about what you eat and what you weigh, and succumb to stress and emotional eating.
Looking decent in a bathing suit is completely overrated, right?
You finally have some much needed time to relax and your friends want to go out.
You realize you have not done anything exciting in a week because you have been so busy studying.
Why does it have to be this way? Why?
One of your friends tells you they don't have any final exams.
Your neighbors insist on being loud when you are trying to cram in a power nap between rigorous study sessions.
Don't these idiots have some work they need to do?
You are on the verge of a meltdown because you just can't take it anymore.
Please tell me that is not the only bottle of wine in the house.
You turn in an essay you are not that happy with. ![]()
You climb into your closet and sob because you are so exhausted.
Please, let there be a light at the end of this dark, sleepless tunnel.
You actually get some time to rest between exams.
I never thought sleep would be a luxury, but I will never take it for granted, again.
Things your professor promised wouldn't be on the exam are actually on the exam. And worth a lot of points.
What kind of sick person does this?
You're angry with yourself because you are pretty sure you bombed your exam.
When it is finally Friday, exam week is over at last, and you get to spend some time with your beloved sisters before you separate for an entire summer.
College is tough, sometimes, but the friendships you build certainly make it all worthwhile.