Finals. *cue dramatic music like the theme from “Game of Thrones” or something similar.*
The word FINALS sends a sinister, cold chill straight up our spines. Flashbacks of all nighters, our eyes bulging from staring at textbooks and notes. Memories of losing all hope of ever obtaining a college degree. It’s difficult to describe the horrors of finals week, but in this article, I have tried. In the past two weeks, I interviewed some students at Oklahoma City University, asking them to complete the following statement: “Finals Week: A Lot Like ______________.” Here’s what they said.
Finals Week: A Lot Like:
“A Marathon. But it’s on fire. Everything is on fire.”
“Like going to sleep on Christmas Eve, it’s really hard and then when you’re finally done it’s magical”.
“Rose on the door in “The Titanic”...She gets rescued but ya know, it’s tough.”
“Being only one inch away from being able to reach the remote control from your couch.”
“The last week of a person’s life, but in reverse. You start off feeling dead inside then you slowly recover with each day passed and each test taken.”
“Being constipated.”
“A never ending fall into the abyss of sleeplessness and panic attacks that cannot be quelled until you die an untimely death?”
“A trap from the ‘Saw’ films”
“Wanting to constantly be held but also not wanting anyone to touch or look at you”
“Finding out your life is a lie”
“What are finals? Doing a scene for the 50th time?”
“Any other week with a few performances sprinkled here and there. It's like the real world only I get to perform.”
“Me:"Will it be multiple choice?"
Teacher: "No"
Me: "Welcome to your tape."
"The suffering screams of all the damned souls in the universe."
“When you get break your leg and the bone is jutting out and everyone around you is freaking out and you have to keep telling yourself "it's fine" and "everything is okay" because otherwise you might just die.”
“Looking both ways before you cross the street before getting smacked by a crashing airplane.”
So what’s my answer to the statement: “Finals Week: A Lot Like ______________”?
It’s- Finals Week: It’s A Lot like Hell itself.
Best of luck to all those taking finals in the coming weeks and thank you for everyone who submitted answers for me.