One can always tell when it is the end of the school year because it is as if professors wait until the final few weeks to give any and all assignments. Through all of the late nights and stress, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel that leads to summer. The only thing standing between you and summer break is that one most hated week in a college student’s life: finals week!
1. When you realize it’s Sunday and your first final is Monday morning.
You might want to make some coffee because it's going to be a long night.
2. When your professor says that the final will be cumulative.
Why torture us by bringing up the past? It's in the past for a reason. Leave it there.
3. Going to the library for the first time this quarter.
Your friends are done with their finals and partying all night, but there you are. In the library, hating yourself for waiting to start studying.4. Falling asleep after an hour of studying and waking up 30 minutes later only to realize you’ve done absolutely nothing.
Naps are productive, right?
5. Your parents keep asking you how your grades are.
I'm doing the best I can. Isn't that enough?
6. Wearing the same thing to class two days in a row because you've been studying and haven't had time to do laundry.
You don't see the same people on Tuesday and Thursday that you do on Monday/Wednesday/Friday, so no one will even notice.
7. Walking out of a final knowing you aced it.
Now it's time to take another nap before you start studying for your next test.
8. When it's almost the end of the week and someone asks how your finals are going.
Like, could you not ask me about that, please?9. Only having one more test, but zero motivation to study.
One more day and then I get three months off.10. Your professor posts the final exam grade.
Not the grades you wanted after pulling two all-nighters in a row, but hey, C's get degrees!
Good luck with finals!