It's finally here people, no I'm not talking about winter break. I'm talking about the last two weeks of the semester that we all dread every year. The nights that compose of coffee and sleep deprivation. Finals Week. The library becomes the new place to get lit on Thursdays nights cause we're suffocating in papers, tests, and final projects. So here's a little bit of laughter to get you through this week, As told by the cast of Friends.
1) You come back from Thanksgiving break, only to find out you have three tests, five writing assignments, and a group project due by the end of the week.
2) You do the math and realize you need to make a 120% on the final to pass your Chemistry class.
3) You spend the next two weeks in Starbucks studying and the espresso shots plus stress makes you more annoyed when they screw up your order.
4)You eat out at every fast food place that delivers cause you not leaving the library and need junk food.
5) You've had only 8 hours of sleep this week and try to maintain your sanity.
6) When the professor says there's no curve on the final. *That hurts so much*
7) You contimplate dropping out and marrying a sugar daddy or becoming a surrogate if your GPA drops after finals.
8) You take a nap and end up sleeping through your study session.
9) Your dress code is sweatpants and pajamas for the week.
10) When your professor won't round your grade up and you have to cry for mercy.
11) You and your study group squad have an emotional goodbye cause you don't know if you'll survive after this final.
12) When the final is multiple choice AND SHORT ANSWER.
13) When the professor asks if you have any questions before you start the final.
14) Reading the first question and knowing absolutely nothing.
15) Walking out of the lecture hall and dancing cause you don't have to take that class ever again.
16) When hell week is finally over and you get celebrate/drink your depression away.