The most stressful week of the year has finally arrived. If you're anything like me, you're currently taking a well-deserved study break to scroll through your Facebook feed. Three months of studying all leads up to this fateful week, and Lord knows we could use a breather from the mind-blowing amount of information we've been cramming into our brains. No worries, Kevin McCallister knows your pain.
It's finals week, so basically everyone on campus is doing this, including you.
Your bad grades just seem to creep up out of nowhere.
And you don't know how you're going to survive the upcoming exam...
...until your professor reminds you that it isn't cumulative.
Late night cram sessions and lack of sleep hit you hard...
...and when your friend suggests another coffee or food run, you are so braindead it takes a bit to process what they just said.
And then there's that one friend who had the most amazing finals schedule, they can't help but rub it in your face when they leave 4 days before you.
When the time has arrived for your first exam, start to freak out a little bit...
...until you remember how hard you studied, and you realize "I got this".
And when you see your friend after the exam, you can't help but be all sentimental that your time together is over and you both survived that crummy class.
Near the end, you're so mentally drained, you have basically just given up on showing emotion altogether.
And you're just so grateful you no longer have to spend any time doing homework on WileyPlus, Connect, or OWL.
Miraculously, you've made it to the day of your last exam okay.
And when you walk out of that last exam, you give your professor a final look...
...knowing that a wonderful winter break full of endless Netflix binging awaits.
Ahh, sweet freedom.