When three best friends drop out of college, get a house together, and start working at a telemarketing job together, you know that it's always going to be a great time. Blake, Adam, and Anders learn that their transition from being lazy college students to having to set an alarm, actually work, and try not to cry at any inconvenience is very hard. Well, finals week is all of that combined in one week. Trying to learn everything you were supposed to learn the whole semester in one night at the library.
Hearing all the freshmen are complaining to their moms on the phone when walking through the quad
Sorry, freshman. But, this is college!
Realizing your professor says your 72% can't be rounded up to a 90%
Come on, I swear I tried my hardest in your class.
Getting sick because of all the stress
You are too stressed to sleep, so you have black circles around your eyes (darker than a raccoon's eyes). Seeing the first question on the final that your stomach decides that it's competing in the X-Games by doing a 540 triple quad flip.
Feeling sorry for yourself about all the built-up stress and long list of deadlines
Even though you know that you put all of it off to the last second and found out about the projects two months ago, it's still not your fault. Who says it's not okay to pity yourself?
Boosting your own self-confidence for avoiding breakdowns
Hyping your self up is one of the most important steps to avoid those breakdowns and kill those finals! Only cried three times today. Good job — two less than yesterday!
Refusing certain material only to see it in on the final
Saying I won't study these because they won't be on the final. Then, those questions are more than half of the final. We have all been there and regret it immediately.
Faking your through short-answer questions
When you're trying to sound smart, so you use those big words (questionably real ones) on those short-answer questions on that final. You have no idea what you are writing about and bullshitting them is the only way your way through.
Calculating your grade to figure out how well you need to do on the final to stay afloatÂ
When you go on final grade calculator to figure out the lowest grade you need to get on the final to past the class, you realize you need, like, a 126%.
Dressing like a complete hot mess that you are
You're just don't care that you look like complete crap the whole finals week, but it's actually a fashion statement. So, just let all those people stare. They have been there before. And if they haven't yet, they will have a rude awakening.
Owning the fact that you're absolutely not ready for finals
Guess who is nowhere close to being ready for finals? ME!
Finals is the worst week of college, but we can all do it! Good luck on finals everyone! Most importantly, stay fresh.