Finals week is the week of hell that will have you begging that it is syllabus week again, so who better to inform you on the feelings of finals week than the overly dramatic Kardashians (and Jenners of course)
1. Tired as hell.
Everyone around you is exhausted. Those late night study sessions and working on homework assigments are starting to catch up with the student body. No one plans to fall asleep in the library, it jus happens.
2. Hungry as hell.
It may be stress eating, but the upcoming assigments I have to do just makes me hungry all day, every day.
3. Stressed
The stress is not only affecting your appetite and sleep cycle, it is also getting to your attitude. Everyone's attitudes are on point right now and you need to watch what you say, eat and breathe around people. Seriously. I got yelled at for standing too close to someone on a packed elevator, it happens.
4. Upset over everything
You know finals week wouldn't be complete without a few mental breakdowns. Kim's crying face is how we all feel but mostly on the inside.
5. Holy
I've been praying to whoever wants to listen for some good grades. It doesn't hurt to also ask for clear skin because let's all be real we're breaking out like crazy. Say an amen, a prayer, or just start begging.