It's finals week, and we all know what that means: constant stress and all that goes with it. The following is the story of finals week as told by the one and the only SpongeBob Squarepants.
1. It all starts when you look at all your exam material and you feel like...
2. Then the stress-induced sugary food cravings kick in.
3. Then you try to pump yourself up for your exam like...
4. Feeling that crazy anxiety as the professor passes out the test:
5. Then there are those late nights where you can't sleep because the professor hasn't put in the grades yet...
6. ... And when you're quietly sitting there rethinking all of your answers and wishing you had studied more.
7. Then you accept your failure and attempt to hide from all remaining responsibilities.
8. When you get the notification that grades have been put in and you feel sheer panic like...
9. But then there's all the happy dancing when you realize you passed the exam and the semester is over!
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