The excitement of Christmas is quickly approaching. Houses dressed in light holiday gear, making for the greatest time of the year! Before we're all able to fully sit back and enjoy this wonderful season, we first have to compete the most dreaded week of the semester: finals! This week can be stressful, but here's a light-hearted depiction of finals week told by the cast of Disney's Inside out!
1. Waking up on dead day morning
That feeling you get when you wake up early on dead day because you're thinking about all the studying you'll be doing for the next week. and you wish you could just stay in bed forever.
2. When you realize all your finals are cumulative
Looking at four months of notes and thinking to yourself, "How in the world am I going to remember all this material?"
3. ...and you regret not studying sooner![]()
Kicking yourself for not being more prepared for the week ahead!!
4. Walking into your first final and telling yourself "I got this"
You studied. You know this information. You've GOT THIS!
5. Answering the questions like, "It's A... No, it's B... Actually, maybe it's C???"
Circling A, but seconding guessing yourself because you feel like that one word changes the whole meaning of the answer.
6. Your facial expression when your professor asks you how you did
All you really want to scream is, "I don't know how I did, Dr. Smith!!! I just want to get the heck out of this place, so please don't ask me more questions!!!"
7. When you thought you got an answer right but find out you were wrong
Talking to your friends after the test and finding out everyone put C for #30 when you definitely thought it was A.
8. How your brain feels after two finals on one day
Your. Brain. Can't. Take. Anymore. Information.
9. Having to tell your friends "Hi" from a distance because you have to study more and can't talk![]()
You violently wave at your friends and get instant happiness when you see them because it's been too long, and the library has been your only friend for a week.
10. How you feel and look once the sleep deprivation hits
OMG, you can't even.
11. Turning in your last final
FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST! Christmas break is here!!!!