It's that time of year again: the weeks in which we physically and mentally prepare for the misery that is finals week. It's a time of year where we break records for the amount of caffeine consumed and the lack of sleep acquired. It's when we stretch ourselves to the very end and learn more about ourselves and those closest to us in ways we never thought were possible. It is a time of year that arrives way too quickly and seems to knock us down harder and harder every year.
Finals week and the week(s) preparation that go into it somehow always bring out the strangest in people, the most extreme characteristics, the most bizarre of behaviors. So no matter who you or your friends are, or where you live or choose to attend school, here's a list of the people/moments that you're bound to see and/or experience during finals week if you haven't already seen them before.
You'll think about just the finals week preparation with a distinct mindset:
And when reality sinks in that finals week is a thing you have to deal with, you'll procrastinate by *preparing* for the week ahead.
You will have a weekend of all of your "lasts" — last time going out, having free time, sleeping, you know everything you enjoy in life...
And you'll soak up every second of happiness because the second you wake up in the morning, that's all gone.
Day one will begin a little like this...
And then all of a sudden days don't mean anything because you don't sleep. What is sleep again?
And in no time, you'll be absolutely losing your mind.
But don't worry, your friends totally have free time to check in on you and help you de-stress.
And when they're not there for you, you know who is? Food. AKA your new best friend.
You will soon realize that your new best friend made you gain 10 pounds.
But it's fine, everything's fine.
Google will tell you what you could do/be if you just gave up now and dropped out of college.
And it will help you realize that you really do need to study. So you hit up that kid in your class that always got As on the exams.
And when they don't respond, or deny your request for help, you'll feel a little like this:
Before you know it, your time for preparation is over and finals week has arrived. You're dying a little inside, but send your friends out to their finals with the encouragement and love you wish you had for your own GPA.
When you begin your first final, though, you'll realize that your brain is so fried that even the easiest of questions feels impossible.
And you'll come home after failing that final to a roommate who just aced theirs.
But I mean, the final is over so you'll just join in on their celebration anyway.
Are you stressed? Are you mad? Are you in a fight or is it just finals week? No one knows! Emotions are everywhere.
You'll end up having to take a break from human interaction before you have a real fight.
But don't worry, they're in the same boat and understand.
Soon enough, the chaos will be over and you will have survived finals week. You'll return home from the battlefield to your friends and even though you may feel as if you just buried your GPA, nothing matters because it's over.
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