According to Urban Dictionary, finals week is "The worst week of a college or high school student's life. Finals week involves pulling an all-nighter to reverse the months of slacking that have killed their grades. Finals week involves a lot of stress and very little sleep, the college or high school student will be on edge the entire time; thus it is not a good time to screw with them by playing practical jokes or something you might find funny." Finals week is the most stressful week for students everywhere. Whether you are in college or in high school, it is the week you dread the whole year. Like come on, it's the end of the semester, do we really need ANOTHER test? I made it this far, but now you are really pushing it.
I know everyone knows Blair Waldorf, or shall I say Queen B. The beautiful, driven, sarcastic, smart, mischievous queen of the Upper East Side. Everyone wants to be her, or at least have her life. Chuck I really need to explain anymore? Well on top of that, have you seen her wardrobe? Okay I think I have done enough convincing.
1. When people won't stop talking about finals coming up.
2. When your teacher is trying to go over more chapters and your finals are in 2 days. 
3. When your friends are all finished with their finals and you are so nervous you could throw up.

4. When you have stayed up for the past week studying for finals. ![]()
5. When your friend was supposed to help you study but bailed on you the night before. 
6. When you have been up all night and everyone tries to talk to you the next day. 
7. When you are trying to motivate yourself to not give up and keep studying. ![]()
8. When you just can't take it anymore, so you take a shopping break. 
9. Every time you study for a final, even if it is just for 5 minutes.

10. When everyone is talking about how easy the final was and you did not know anything.

11. When you are trying to convince your teacher to make your grade the way it was before you started slacking.
12. When you call your mom crying and she tries to make you feel better.
13. When someone asks you how your finals went.
14. When you come back from taking your finals and all you need is a hug
15. When you get all of your grades back and realize you had nothing to worry about.
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