It has come to be that time of year again... Thanksgiving recess, the end of the Fall term... But wait! What about all that time in-between your definite route to freedom? That's right! You guessed it! ... The most sinister, indefinite, life or death week of your life is the only thing standing between you, vacation, and that perfect GPA.
Welcome folks, to a college student's worst nightmare... Finals Week! But have no fear fellow overachievers... "30 Rock"'s Liz Lemon is here, ready and revving to guide you through all the ups and downs of finals preparation. It can't be that different from "The Girlie Show," can it?
It's been one hell of a busy semester, so you may have neglected to recognize your first final is in mere days... What do you do?
Once you've been debriefed by your EasyMac, it's finally time to crack open that first book... Only to discover not one word of it makes any feasible sense.
So... What happens next?!
No, no no! -- I mean, you could, but, guess where that 4.0 is going to go...
That's right, you better dive back in... That pile of books won't read themselves.
You have no time to lose! It's time to inspire that midnight oil...
Um... Yeah... I suppose that works.
It's 5 a.m. and through much strife and turmoil-- you've managed to ACTUALLY study. Congratulations!!
But, guess who also has a test at 7:30 a.m.? ... YOU! Might as well stay up with all that test anxiety.
Woah, woah, woah! Slow down, slick! It'll all be worth it once you bust through that classroom door, veins pumping caffeine, with a pencil in hand!
And once you bang out that workflow and ace that exam...
You've earned it!!
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