Finals week is the week we all dread and it creeps up out of nowhere.
It creeps out of nowhere and it is very easy to loose your mind in the process. Everyone tries to prepare and get ready for it, but it seems like no matter how hard you try, you are never quite ready. Through the sleepless nights and early mornings, you push yourself to the limit. We all know that this is not a time for procrastination, but we end up paying for all the work we left unfinished over Thanksgiving break. I always regret it when I return to school the following week because that is when it all hits me.
I like to think that we as students, turn into superheroes because we are asked to complete the impossible. Those few short weeks of the semester can feel like an eternity, but also a flash, considering all the work that needs to be done. Coffee will be your best friend at times and, at others, your only meal.
However, despite the stress that comes with finals, we should always remember to take a deep breath and just breathe. I think of the saying, "If there is a will there is a way." We can handle anything that is thrown at us if we remain dedicated and focused.
Happy finals and good luck!