1. Plan out your studying in advance
This is hands down the best thing you can do for yourself this week. Once you have your plans, you know exactly what to be doing and when to do it.
2. Find some stress relief
Something like exercise, a bath, hanging out with friends. Anything you enjoy doing to help you relax and get your mind off of things for a bit. Even study breaks are good for you, you shouldn't be studying for a straight three hours with no breaks.
3. Don't pull all-nighters
Sleep is the most important thing for you when studying and memorizing things. Your brain processes information as you sleep, making sleep very important if you plan to keep all of that information in your head. Not sleeping the night before can also hinder your ability to process information during your studying. GET SOME SLEEP.
4. Eat healthy
This is something that is always important to you, but it is extremely important to keep up your health and immune system in order to function and get your work done. You don't want to be sick and weak the week of finals.
5.Try not to go into complete panic mode
This is probably the least productive thing you can do, although I am very guilty of doing this and shutting down. This is where the relaxation comes into play: it is counterproductive to freak out. This is said than done, but it's worth to find those things that calm you down.