Finals week is the end all, be all of the semester. Every student dreads them — and we've all thought these things as we prepared for the toughest week of the semester.
Here are 10 thoughts you probably had during finals.
1. Why study during Dead Week? I'll start studying the weekend before finals actually start.
We did in fact need to start studying during Dead Week. Cramming the night before was not it chief.
2. What is the lowest I can make on this final to pass?
We've all calculated our grades the night before the final to see what the lowest grade we could make is, without it messing up our grade in the class so far, and we ended up not very impressed with the score.
3. I'm going to bed early every night this week!
By going to bed early we mean sitting on our phones for an hour or two under the covers, so we don't have to study.
4. Let's all study together for the final!
By study together, we really mean go over all of the material, agree that none of us know what is happening, accept our fates and try to figure out what is going to happen when we walk into the exam.
5. I really hope this is not a cumulative test...
If this thought has ever crossed your mind walking into an exam... it probably was in-fact a cumulative exam over all of the materials covered this semester.
6. I'm going to pull an all nighter and study for the harder exams!
After three energy drinks and a cup of coffee earlier in the day — by midnight you feel on top of the world, that is until you miss your alarm the next morning because you only went to bed three hours before it was set to go off, and you still did not cover all the material for the final.
7. I'm going to take a study break and go get food with my friends.
First, you get food, then you go to the mall and walk around and procrastinate, and then, you spend money you don't have as part of retail therapy to cope with the stress of finals week.
8. I should really do that extra credit now.
There are those few extra credit points that some professors let you turn in up until the day of the final, and the days leading up to the test are usually the perfect time to do those, especially if you know you are going to need them.
9. That was the hardest test of my life.
Everyone's said this coming out of their final, just to turn around and say it again the next day after the next final. They're all hard. They're all terrible. Welcome to college.
10. Now that finals are done I can finally sleep!
Sleep is the one thing that students look forward to the most after finals end. Our parents do not understand why we sleep past noon every day for a week when we get home. The answer is always finals week.