It's that time of the year again when the feelings of hopelessness sink in and you can't help but question your sanity. That's right..finals week. You open your planner for the first time since before Thanksgiving break and you realize that you have more work this week than you've had the entire semester. Here are the way too common phases of this nightmarish week told by your favorite Greys's Anatomy characters:
You start off motivated thinking about how close winter break is
Then your friend asks you to go to the class review session with her
You end up going to the review and don't understand one word
The professor lectures for 2 hours straight and you're sitting there like
You stay up till 2am studying for a class you never bought the textbook for
And then your parents call to ask how your studying is going
You finally leave the library and can't bare to interact with the outside world
You hit that point where you don't even know what to do with yourself
You beg your body to hold on for just a little bit longer
Finally you sit for the exam.. and nothing that you studied is on it
You walk out of your exam already knowing that you failed
Just as you were about to forget finals.. you have to explain your grades to your parents
Now that that's over with...