Finals week stresses everyone out. As a college student, I find myself watching more and more netflix, and doing less and less studying. After dedicating way too much time to watching new girl, I realized that I am Jessica Day. These 10 gifs describe my emotions during finals week.
1. When it first hits you: it's finals week.
2. The first day of procrastination...
3. After that procrastination, when it dawns on you that you STILL have to take that exam.
4. Once the different organizations start having exam survival groups
5. When you have your first exam at 7:30 Tuesday morning
6. That moment when you realize that you can handle this.
7. When your last exam is on the Saturday at the end of finals
8. Having a breakdown during finals week. When you pass an exam that you thought you bombed
10. When you finally finish all of your tests and get to go home for the holidays