Finals week...a phrase that stresses out students just hearing it and one that makes professors wish that they weren't having to grade tests. Motivation decreases during this time of the semester, while stress and frustration increases. As a college student, I want to give you advice (and potential motivation) for finals.
I have a few thoughts that go through my head during this time. How many exams do I have? What is the minimum I can make on this final? How should I prepare? Will I have adequate time to study? Can this just be over with already? Will my boss let me off for this? We've all had these questions run through our heads at some point. It is completely normal to think about these issues. We've all felt worried about our exams, and it's okay to worry to some degree. However, it isn't good to worry so much that it takes a toll on your mind and body. This is where it gets unhealthy, and something needs to be done. You should take a break, and use that time to calm down mentally. I know it's easier said than done, but it is necessary for keeping yourself sane during this stressful time. If you drive yourself crazy, then you won't do well on your finals due to worrying yourself to death. Speaking of breaks, they are so important to your mental health and stress levels. Try to time them well, and make sure it's actually a break and not just more work.
You should choose whatever study method works best for you. Some people are visual learners, some are audio learners, and some are hands-on learners. Try making flash/note cards, or re writing the notes to where you can understand them. Repetition is key, especially when you have ADD. Read the material. Try recording yourself reading it, and listen to that next time you read it. That always works with me when I memorize speeches for competition. Print out the study guide/material/notes, and highlight the text, write on it, draw something relevant. The satisfaction of being able to interact with the text is extremely helpful. Try a combination of methods so that you're fully engaged in your study sessions.
Just know that you've got this. With the hard work you're putting into your education, there's no way you could do poorly. You're not dumb or a failure. You are a young adult who is working towards finishing college. Not everyone who starts will finish. People drop out for various reasons. If you made it to finals week, that's something to be proud of. If you've completed multiple semesters already, that is something to be proud of. If you've passed other finals before now, you will be fine. There are tough classes, but if you've put in the work for them, you will do fine. After this, Christmas is upon us, so we can celebrate and relax.