As college students, we experience stress way more often than we would like to. And we stress ourselves out about unnecessary things,too. But Finals Week is one of the better and more acceptable reasons. Even so, you can still kiss the stress goodbye with some of these helpful tips. We are in charge of our own bodies, so to help, here are 10 ways to make your Finals Week easier!
1. Get your nails done!
Maybe it's just me, but having my nails done makes me feel 100 times better about myself! Somehow, having my nails done actually makes me want to write or type, because working or typing a paper looks better with some sparkly or matte nails!
2. If you have a lot to do, plan ahead! Make a schedule/to-do list for when you'll work on your assignments-- don't overwhelm yourself!
In my experience, planning out my week has worked miracles for me. Knowing when I am going to do what keeps me on track and focused. There is something satisfying in putting a check next to the assignments you have completed on your schedule!
3. Give yourself some time to relax!
Everyone deserves a break, so don't work 24/7. Take some time to breathe and relax.
4. Get plenty of sleep--work/study during the day and sleep at night!
You might think you work better at night, but for most of us, our brains shut off after a certain time. So spend the day studying and use the nighttime for sleep and some sweet dreams.
5. Reward yourself after completing assignments!
After working/studying for a few hours or completing an assignment, reward yourself! So maybe that'll be some amazing non-dining hall food or even a night out at the movies!
6. Watch your favorite Netflix series!
Netflix is always the answer. It's a great way to relax, but they key is to watch an episode or two--don't binge watch! Finals Week is not the time to find a show to binge on-- save that for Winter Break.
7. Go shopping!
Who doesn't love to shop? Everyone does! So go out to the mall or maybe shop online, but get yourself something you want, even if it's small. Finals are stressful--you deserve to reward yourself!
8. See your teachers with any questions before the final exam/assignment!
You don't want to be clueless right before the assignment is due or on the day of your final, so make sure to ask any questions you have. Most teachers love questions anyway!
9. Go to the gym - release some of that stress!
The gym can be a great place to release some stress. Squats, bench presses, running on the treadmill--you can do whatever you like or feel most comfortable with, but exercising during finals can help maintain your physical and mental health.
10. Stay on track, be focused, but still have some fun!
Just remember that life goes on after Finals Week, so don't overwhelm yourself too much! Studying and doing well is important, but so is your mental and physical health. There are many more things you can do to de-stress and stay focused, but just remember that once you get through Finals Week, Christmas and the holidays are only a few weeks away!