Ah. Finals. That "F" word that every college student is freaking out about all around the country. Campuses everywhere are trying to find ways to keep students calm. A+ students overly freaking out when really they are going to fine. A big percentage of students are trying to figure out how to pass the class without having to retake the class. And then, there are people like me. The ones that show no sign of stress or any sign of freaking out. Well, technically we are freaking out but internally but to the outside world, we are the ones that are trying to appear calm in the middle of the storm.
No matter what kind of student you are, finals are scary no matter what. What you do on your final affects the whole grade for the class and that is stressful. You want to take the class once and not want to do it again. Depending on the major, general ed classes are ones that you have to take just to graduate no matter if it helps with your major or not. General ed finals are, in my opinion, the most stressful because you are trying to pass the class to check off a requirement for graduation and the sooner you check them all off, the more room you have for classes you are actually interested in and actually pertain to your major.
Aside from all the stress and internally screaming students do, finals week can actually be fun. You have all this time that you never had before and if you have easy classes, you do not have to be constantly studying. You have time to spend some great quality time with friends and significant others. Taking time to go on quick little road trips to see sights or getting up at four in the morning to go get some much needed donuts. Finals week does not have to be that bad. So many great memories can come from finals week when you are not glued to a book or a computer or even a practice room.
If you are one of those people that have not yet been anywhere besides the library or in your room, go take some time for yourself and your friends. Go enjoy the extra time you have in between or after finals. Go make some memories that will last a life time and memories that prove that finals week is actually not that bad.