Once Thanksgiving Break is over, there are roughly two weeks left before… FINALS WEEK! This may be a hectic and stressful time of the semester, but there are ways to help relieve the stress and prepare for the exams. The best way to ace the exam without any problems is finding the best technique to study that works for you.
Some people have issues while studying. This can lead to difficulties while taking a test, because they are unprepared for the topic information on the test. Here are some effective ideas that may help you get through finals week!
1.Alternate Study Spaces.
Some research projects prove that the capacity of memory larger when students study in different locations. The changing scenery and colors help increase memory. One common reason for this is that when there is more than one memory at one specific location, the student may have a difficult time recalling certain information. It can also become confused with another memory.
2.Study and Homework groups. Power of peers. Divide and conquer.
When students work together in groups, or as partners, they tend to notice the differences of each other. I have one study group for each of my classes that I have. In history, I am a study partner-tutor to one student. In theatre, I have a study group to work on projects with. There are two students that I work with in theology. Finally, my environmental science course is the best study group. Half of the class has a lab on Tuesday, and the other half has a lab on Thursday. Almost everyone in my Thursday lab meets up together to study for our exams. Each of us have a different method of studying. When we are together, we use all of these methods to become prepared for the exams.
3.Flash cards.
I live by this tip! On my dresser, there are six stacks of note cards. Each stack are flash cards that I made for each of my six classes that I have this semester. All of the information that I believe is important, and all of the information from possible study guides, can be found easily on my notecards.
4.Practice Tests
This is a great tip. Some people can study for tests by using practice tests. This is a way that you can find practice tests for your particular topic or course.
Without proper sleep, students will be unable to remember any of the information they study. This usually leads to poor test grades.
6. Do not categorize yourself. What strategies work best for you?
Have you ever heard someone state that they are a visual learner or a kinetic learner? Well, this is not that useful in college. Instead of focusing on the group classification, test yourself. Find out the different study strategies and see how well they work for you. I tend to use notecards, while a friend of mine lives by whiteboards and practice tests. Our patterns are different, but we are both proficient on our tests. We even combine our strategies together, and the way that we study turns out great!
7. Go to class.
This one does not really help if finals are only two weeks away, but this is a great tip for next semester if you didn’t listen this semester. Simple, right? When you go to class, you know which points the professor stresses more than once. Those are the points that should be remembered.
8. Do not immerse yourself in subject material. Switch between related topics.
When you focus on one subject, you may forget some important details. If you study related topics, there is a better chance that some information is repeated, which leads to recognition. For example, in environmental science, instead of focusing on water resources; study related topics. A related topic may be energy sources.
9. Good notes
When you have good notes, there is a better chance to have all the information that you will need right there in your grasp. If not, you can see if another student has it in their notes if you missed something.
10.Stay organized.
Organization is the greatest advice that I can think of to help improve study habits. Ways that I tend to stay prepared include:
- Dry Erase Calendar
- Daily/Monthly Planner
- Books/ Paperwork Organized by Course
- Neat Study Desk
- To-Do List
11.Avoid distractions!
The internet is a huge distraction. Also, the phone is a distraction. When you are studying, you want to put those away in order to focus.
12.Don’t cram!
You will not remember anything if you cram for a test. Study in sessions and on different days so you can focus. Look at your previous notes before class. Study your notes after class. Then, study on your own time.
13.Break times!
Every thirty to forty minutes, take a break and relax. Eat a snack. Stretch. Walk around. Watch an episode.
14.Create Your Own Study Guide!
When you create your own study guide, you get a better idea about what you need to study.
You tend to remember your information more efficiently.
15.Rewrite notes!
When you rewrite information, you tend to remember what is being written over and over again. Studies show that rewriting information is a better way to remember important details than reading information.
16.Make marginal notes in the books.
When you are reading a book, or even a textbook, leave notes in the margins. What is the main idea? Are there important details you need know?
17.Create your own glossary of terms.
This is a great way to remember terms in science courses. If you create a list of terms that you need to know, you can rewrite the definition to that term in your own words.
18.Treat yourself.
When you reach a study goal, give yourself a treat. This can range from a bowl of ice cream to watching a movie. You deserve to relax.
19.Ask off of work!
Do not... I repeat... Do not work during finals week! Request off work for the entire week to help you focus on passing the finals!
20.Change pens.
When your notes are in different colors, there is a better chance of noticing what is important. This is an easy way to remember what may be on the exam.
21.Sticky notes.
I use sticky notes for different things. If I am renting a textbook instead of owning it, I tend to write my marginal notes on sticky notes, and stick them on the pages. If there is an important date coming up, I leave that on a sticky note and hang it on my desk shelf. Also, if there is something that I have questions about, I leave it on a notecard and then place it in my notebook so I can remember to ask my professor.
22.Study check list.
This last one is great way to study, in my opinion. This is a combination of some of the other tips that I have brought up. First off, creating a study guide is an important factor. Once the study guide is created, you can create questions on flashcards and a list of terms that you might need to understand for the study guide. After that, you study and create ways to answer the questions and remember information. Once you go back to the study guide, take the time to write down every single piece of information that you know about each item on the study guide. This gives you an idea about what information you may still need work on.
Good luck, everyone!