Big test tomorrow!
My computer tries to say.
Hit the "x" button
Have you started the paper?
Of course I haven't
My priorities are fucked
please don't speak to me
12-Hour Library Session
Staring at a screen
Hunched in a wooden chair
Prolific butt sweat
Attention to detail
Sure, I have been writing,
But am I retaining stuff?
Definitely not.
I fell asleep while cramming and now the test is in thirty minutes
How long has it been?
I still haven't learned jack shit
there's spit on my cheek
Alive, awake, alert and enthusiastic
Espresso, two shots
Knocking back my steaming drink
makes my stomach ache
Finals Chic
This is the same shirt
you saw me in yesterday
paired with pajamas
Looking for a pen
Pretty sure I lost it with
my will to go on
I look to my left
Becky's multiple choice is
so close to my face
Object Impermanence
Not looking at it
means that it doesn't exist
Right, HOPE Scholarship?