1. Flipping through your schedule to find an easy, semi-enjoyable subject so that you can ease yourself into studying.
Since the typical college freshman’s schedule consists of English 101, some sort of hard math class, and other dull general classes, I don’t think it’s possible to “ease into it.”
2. Finally deciding to study, reviewing for 15 minutes, then deciding that you deserve a break.
I think I can speak for most college students when I say that, if you’re not studying during finals week, then you’re still going mad thinking about studying.
3. Repeatedly telling yourself, “I’ll study soon,” then looking at the clock and realizing that it’s 7:00 PM.
Even after you realize how lazy you’ve been, you still set aside time so you can have a mental walk-through of your decisions. “I mean, what have I even been doing all day?” will be an ever-lingering question.
4. You study for hours upon hours, yet you still feel like you don’t know anything.
I think that, if this aggravating feeling were to be visualized, it would be the grinch getting his head repeatedly smashed by a giant cymbal monkey.
5. When you’re so caught up with finals that you forget how close Christmas is.
Since you don’t have time to truly celebrate, blasting festive music while studying will have to suffice.
6. When you know you should be studying, but you attend the ‘Ugly Christmas Sweater’ date party instead.
Whoever decided to plan all of these date parties right before finals, you are both a blessing and a curse.
7. After a certain point, you will try to find any kind of excuse to avoid studying.
Yes, stress eating is definitely a thing; and yes, the infamous “freshman 15” can be gained in one week.
8. Insisting that you simply just don’t have time for finals.
How are we expected to make gingerbread houses, eat cookie dough, go ice skating, AND study for finals? (If you don’t understand this ‘Elf’ reference, your may want to evaluate your Christmastime priorities)
9. Realizing your final is in an hour, then realizing how unprepared you are
10. After taking your exams and knowing that you aced them
Finals week is full of dreadful memories for most (all-nighters, caffeine overloads, overwhelming anxiety, etc.), so it’s an incredible relief when it’s over.
All jokes aside, sitting down to study and prepare yourself for your exams is really the only way to get through finals season.
Don’t worry, your Netflix will still be there when you need short a study break.