Finals are one of the most stressful times of the year because let's face it, we are all rushing to make sure our final grades don't show just how done with the year we are. Depending on your classes and your major, you have different experiences with finals. As for me, I have two papers, one judicial decision, and a calc exam to face this week. I would be remiss if I didn't say that the end of the year is not an ideal time for anyone. We all want to get onto whatever fabulous summer plans we have, even if those plans just include sleeping in. Here are some very thoroughly tested tips to make it through exams and to summer break.
1. Don't try and do it all the night before.
Almost everyone has tried this technique before. It seems like a really good idea to wait to study because then it will be fresh in your mind. WRONG. If you wait until the night before not only are you leaving a lot to chance, but also you will probably end up exhausting yourself before the exam. Being exhausted is not a way to ace an exam.
2. Sleep!
Sleep is one of my favorite things, so it makes almost every list of tips for combating stress. Your body needs sleep no matter who you are, and ignoring that need will bite you in the ass. Sleep restores your body and mind, and without it you might have trouble focusing, remembering things, and you might fall asleep at inopportune times, like during the exam––I'm speaking from experience on that one.
3. Try and take breaks.
When you are looking down the barrel at several papers, it is easy to want to power through, but taking breaks will help you from writing a bunch of nonsense that seemed to make sense after writing for five hours straight. Get up and go for a walk, eat something, shower (please shower for the sake of everyone around you!), or watch your favorite show.
4. Socialize at least a little bit.
You definitely don't need to go out to a rager, but seeing other humans is important. Even the most introverted people need some sort of human contact, so text your friend for a coffee date. You deserve it.
5. Self care is key.
Make sure you eat your favorite snacks, read a book if that's your thing, or watch a TV show. Just have "you time" as much as possible.
6. Study.
Being prepared is one of the best ways to combat the exam stress. If you know your stuff, you can relax and enjoy the end of your semester.
Good luck!