Finals week is nearly upon us, but you probably won't see me studying into the night or stressing over tests. I'm a Communications major-- my life during finals week is relatively easy. I write. A lot. But, just because you see me not doing anything doesn't mean I don't have something to do.
My college career has consisted of me writing something pretty much constantly. I'm not complaining; I love to write! It is my major, after all. However, when it gets to the end of semester and all of my friends are freaking because they have six tests in one day, I'm most likely chilling in my room watching American Dad.
That's more of a procrastination issue than anything, but I promise that I actually learn things in school. I can complain about my major forever, but it really is the major for me. Just because I'm not taking tests or doing homework doesn't mean I'm not doing something worthwhile-- writing majors just work in a different way.
If you're a writing major of any kind, you probably feel me on this. Here's a look at what finals week is really like for your average writer:
Group projects. All. The. Time.
No, we're not all lazy and incompetent.. just, like, half of the group is. This semester, luckily, my groups have been pretty chill and divvied out the work evenly, but I definitely have not been so lucky in the past.
Paper after paper after paper after paper...
No exaggeration-- just when I think I'm finally done writing, something else pops up. It's never-ending.
But what do I do in the midst of all this writing? Write Odyssey articles. Probably could've thought that one out a little bit more.
Rewriting everything.
Peer Reviewing.
The worst day in any class: peer review day. They're so pointless. Like, yeah, they have a point, but peer reviewing never actually happens on days that it's supposed to be happening. It's a lot of sitting around, talking to your reviewer and browsing Facebook.
I definitely could have just done that at home, though.
Handing in your papers and being done long before anyone else.
I love to write, but nothing beats handing in that last paper and hitting the road for break way earlier than the rest of your non-writing major friends. Bye guys, hope you don't get crushed under the weight of those textbooks I'll be writing for you in five years!
Like I said earlier, I can complain about my major as much as the next guy, but I really do love it. It's the perfect fit, and I'm glad I'm doing something I love.
Good luck this finals week!