If you Google what hell looks like, for most college students, the image of finals week would pop up. Finals week is a tough time when students are forced to cram (in most cases) a whole semester's worth of material into their brain in a week, while simultaneously doing the same thing for four other classes as well. It's stressful, it's overwhelming, it's exhausting and it's miserable. In light of this week from hell, here are 21 GIFs from The Office that summarize life as a college student during finals week:
1. The night before finals week begins:
2. When your teacher tells you the final is not just multiple choice:
3. When the professor tells your class there's no final:
4. When you overhear your final is cumulative:
5. Then, when your professor confirms your final is cumulative:
6. When your teacher asks if you have any final questions/comments/concerns:
7. When you're venting to a friend and they tell you they have no finals:
8. When your professor tells you the final is not cumulative:
9. When you look up your finals schedule and see you can't leave for break until Saturday:
10. When all your friends say they're going home on Tuesday or Wednesday:
11. When your professor asks if you would like your final to be taken in class rather than on ANGEL:
12. When you find out one of your finals is, in fact, on ANGEL:
13. Two days into finals week:
14. When the de-stress dogs try to cheer you up:
15. When you're trying to stay awake to study but have become delusional:
16. When a classmate refuses to send you their study guide:
17. When you accept the fact that you're not going to do well on your finals:
18. When you walk into class the day of your final:
19. When your classmate asks if you're going to pass the exam:
20. What you say to yourself as you leave one of your finals:
21. And finally, when you finish your finals and get to go home for winter break: