Finals Week As Told By 'Friends' | The Odyssey Online
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Finals Week As Told By 'Friends'

The emotional rollercoaster we live through every semester.

Finals Week As Told By 'Friends'

Finals week is upon us, so let the stress ensue. From pulling all-nighters to crying in the bathroom after the exam because you are positive you failed, nothing will ruin your life more than finals week. Here are some of the emotions you deal with during this week from hell, as told by the characters from "Friends."

1. First, you start off confident.

You tell yourself it won't be like the finals in the past. You are going to kick ass at these finals. You are going to study a little every night so you don't have it all to do last minute. The confidence meter is high.

2. Then, you realize how much studying you actually have to do.

Once you finally sit down and look at the amount of studying you have to do, you become angry. You complain about how ridiculous it is and think, "don't these professors realize I have other finals to study for!?" You ferociously slam your laptop down and go to get a snack.

3. Then comes the denial that you are overwhelmed.

Finals are inching closer and closer, and you swear you are handling everything according to plan. You are FINE! You got this! You aren't watching YouTube videos of dogs eating peanut butter instead of studying. Not at all. You study every single night....

4. Reality sets in.

Finals are here, and you stop being in denial and realize you are screwed. You barely studied at all, your finals are either going to make or break you, and you are running on two hours of sleep.

5. Study time.

You finally sit down, open your notes, and become so overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to memorize that you almost fall out of your seat. Not to mention, you have to pull an all-nighter since you waited last minute to study.

6. ...and more studying.

It's 2 a.m. and no information is sticking in your brain. You took five snack breaks and gave yourself an hour of scrolling on Instagram because "you deserve it." You are now in a delusional state of mind.

7. You finally finish studying.

You are running on no sleep, you gave up on studying, and you really don't care. You have had 5 cups of coffee and an entire pizza to yourself. You are ready to get these finals over with, and you really don't care what grade you get.

8. Time to take the exams.

It's time for your exams. You don't wanna go, you regret not studying more, and you want to pretend none of this is even happening. You start regretting all the decisions you made this semester. "Why didn't you do well on the Midterm?!" "Why did you have to hand your paper in late and lose 10 points?!" "Why are you such an idiot?!"

9. Half of the questions on the exam were not in the notes you studied.

You sit down to take the exam and realize you've never seen half of the questions on the test before. You accepted your fate; you are prepared to live the rest of your days working at a fast food restaurant and regretting all your life decisions.


YOU DID IT! Somehow, you managed to pass your final exams and pass the semester. You are so overjoyed,and you're going to sleep for the next 3 days. You are so relieved this is all over....until next semester.

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