Finals week has finally rolled around, and I’ve always found the “Finals Week According To” articles intriguing. They were even more intriguing when I read them while I was procrastinating and not getting all of my final projects and essays done. In the midst of still procrastinating and still not getting my final projects and essays done, I decided I’d write my own take on “Finals Week According To” and bestow some Dexter memes upon you beautiful readers. Without further ado, here’s Finals Week According To Dexter:
1. Spending the first week stealthily hiding from your responsibilities.
2. Spending the week after that "studying."
You've probably said "I can't, I have to study" to your friends at least two or three times a day. But when you actually get home from a long day of work, class, and student organizations, the idea of cracking open all your textbooks doesn't sound too appealing. Better unwind with some Netflix instead.
3. Finally looking back at your notes and not remembering anything that you learned.
Plus, your notes have pretty much devolved into doodles and illegible scribbles anyway.
4. Going into your first final feeling confident.
5. Going into your second final feeling…not so confident.
6. The pressure to pass your classes leaves you with built-up rage.
Don’t lie, you’ve totally gotten angry over finals. Maybe not the same murderous rage of Dexter. But, you know…close-ish.
7. The pressure is...still there. You still have a couple more to go.
You're so close, and yet, so far. Kind of like all the times Dexter was almost caught and had to save face somehow. Oops, there you go relating to a serial killer again. Aren't finals great?
8. You're almost done but you still cried.
...And also considered dropping out and living in a van by the river about twenty times. You have 99 problems and somehow, your last final is all of them.
9. You leave your classroom for the last time this semester wondering if you'll pass.
Will you get an A? Who knows? You might have to retake the course, but at least you're done with finals.
10. But after the week is over and Friday night rolls around…it’s time to party.
You deserve it!
Finals week is definitely one of the most stressful parts of the year for students. Hopefully, these Dexter memes have made life a little less stressful for you in this trying time. In the grand scheme of things, at least you're not a sociopathic serial killer.