Finals week is now upon us, even though some of us are in denial. We have been dreading this day since the beginning of the semester, and now, ready or not, here it is. In a time of desperation and confusion, I turned to my mentor, Michael Scott, to guide me through this process. So here's a look at how Michael Scott helped me handle finals week 2016.
Me, at the beginning of the semester and very confident in my classes and my grades. I was hoping to actually get a 4.0 and make my siblings feel inferior to me. My bar was set as high as ever, but now it's lower than the bar for limbo.
Me walking into my professors' office hours going over all the information on the final. It doesn't help to wait until last minute to ask them.
Me after realizing how many assignments are *actually* due versus how many assignments I *thought* were due. This is a really rough week for college students everywhere.
Me going into all my final exams like this. Let's hope for the best and get out as quickly as we can. Christmas is just around the corner.
This has become my new approach to finals as the deadlines are faster and faster approaching. As a sophomore, I should have known by now that this doesn't work.
Me after seeing the "Final Day to Submit Grades" message on the front page of my canvas page. Also me when I calculate my highest possible grades for each class.
And I'm already hearing about people getting low grades on similar exams. Professors don't round 75's to A's anymore, do they? Maybe if we bother them hard enough.
Me when I have to explain to my parents that I am not getting that 4.0 you bragged about. My siblings think it's absolutely hilarious.
Versus me when you're talking about your struggles with your friends and peers. All college students can relate.
At least the MSU bookstore is there for us to provide school spirited appeal. I know what I'm using mine for! It's All Here!
Eventually you think you should rebel against finals and just binge watch Netflix until break starts.
...and then you remember that you need to get a degree to afford your expensive lifestyle. I need to provide for my future dogs and fund my Range Rover.
But remember, you will get through this, whether you get A's or not.
Stay open-minded, it will all work itself out. You'll get what you need done. (For the most part.)
Remember, YOU are Beyonce. You will get those finals in by the 11:59PM deadline and you will reach the word count. I believe in you. I believe in me.