There's only one thing that stands between you and summer vacation: finals week. We all had a taste of this right before winter break, but this time it's different; not only do you need to study for four or five exams, but you also need to pack up all of your things, move out of your dorm and say goodbye to friends that don't live very close to your hometown. In a recent visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, I looked at hundreds of classical paintings. The various depictions of biblical stories and everyday life seemed to mirror what we are all going through right now--stress and fatigue over final exams. The following paintings were some of my favorites that I viewed that day at The Met and they perfectly describe finals week:
At first you're super motivated to study and ace all of your exams.
And then after an hour of studying you realize there's a lot more material to cover than you thought there was.
Studying is going great, until you realize you've just reread the same sentence 10 times.
When you lose motivation and your friends are fed up with your complaining.
"Snap out of it and get it together" - your friends, probably.
Screw college, I should just become a mermaid.
When you finish studying a chapter and begin contemplating your choice of major.
When you realize that you're going to have to re-learn everything you were taught that semester:
When your friend asks you if you have any studying to do.
*Eye twitches* Yes, I have an inconceivable amount of studying to do.
Study sessions the night before the exam are like:
Those all-nighters got you falling asleep in the dining hall like:
When you're mid-way through studying and all of life's problems come crumbling down on you:
And all of your friends are forced to council you back to sanity.
When your study group is being super productive and you don't want anyone to come distract you:
Sorry friends, I love you but go away.
When your roommate has finished all of his/her finals and wants to party...
...and even though there's nothing more you want to do in the moment, you're forced to say "no, I'm studying."When it's the night before your exam and all you can do is pray for the best.
Hey God, if you're out there could you do me a solid and let me ace this exam?
But that amazing feeling when finals are over makes it all okay.
Time for summer!!