Well ladies and gentlemen, the time of the year is here. One of the most dreaded weeks of the year for a college student... FINALS WEEK. Finals are officially upon us my friends; whether you are ready or not, here they come. It's going to be okay, as long as you study, breathe, and don't stress too much. If you need a laugh, here is Finals week as told by the Gilmore Girls to get you through it!
1. Crazy study hours.
You're sleeping odd hours, and studying at weird times, and there's not much you can do about it. So, you have to embrace your need to stay up late and study at early hours of the morning, and possibly even take a nap at 5 o'clock in the afternoon! Even making mac & cheese at 3 in the morning, or doing laundry when you know there'll be no one else awake to steal the machines, isn't all that strange during finals week.
2. Forgetting to eat.
I have forgotten to eat many a time during finals due entirely to stress. Now for me, this is extremely uncommon, because I love food. Once I realize that i haven't eaten all day, I definitely make up for it, with multiple meals. If you're not forgetting to eat, you're eating extremely unhealthy, and most likely you are not getting the nutrients that you need. You're due for a proper meal, not something that comes from a paper Taco Bell bag.
3. Stress.
Stress; something you won't be able to escape until you are finished with your very last final. You forget things, and you can't seem to keep your mind on anything other than the millions of tasks you must complete in only a number of hours. It's definitely a race against time during finals week.
4. 8 a.m. finals.
These are the worst. As if it's not bad enough that your final is going to last two hours, but to have an 8 a.m. final could be one of the worst things in a college student's life. Given that you weren't able to choose what time you have to take your finals makes everything that much more unbearable. Waking up first thing in the morning and realizing that you are going to be walking to a test that's worth 20% of your final grade is just awful. Plus there's the matter of trying to eat a good breakfast to help you wake up, which usually ends up being a granola bar and a Red Bull to give you energy.
There's not much better than a cup of liquid magic first thing in the morning to help you wake up. Some of the most important things in the mornings, especially the mornings of finals weeks are coffees, sodas, energy drinks, etc. It's one of the only ways to wake yourself up after a night full of cramming, or a last minute look at your notes. Take a lesson from Lorelai Gilmore; there can never be too much coffee.
6. When people tell you it'll be "okay".
Deep down you know they're right. After you finish your last final and you get to sign out of your dorm and go home, it will be okay. However, most of the time, the people who are telling you it will be okay aren't going through the stress you are. In the moment, it really doesn't feel like it's going to get easier. You can't see past the next few days of stress and worry about your grades. Things will get better, but that's not exactly what you need to hear right now.
7. Needing your mom.
There's nothing that my mom can't fix. A call from her can change my bad days from the worst to the best in a few minutes of laughing with her. By this point in the semester, all I want to do is finish my finals, and go home to watch Christmas movies and laugh with my mom. There's nothing more I am looking forward to than being home and getting a break and time with her.
8. Not caring at all about your appearance.
Did I remember to brush my hair? Did I wear this shirt already once this week? Finals certainly do something to your mind. It makes things crazy and messes things up.There's not much you really care about other than acing your finals. So it's not uncommon to not care at all what you look like. Throwing your hair up in a bun and wearing leggings every day of finals is definitely the norm. And you don't really care what anyone else thinks about your appearance, because after all, in a few hours you may never see any of these people again.
9. When your friend has a Friday final too.
End of the week finals are definitely one of the WORST things in the world. Knowing that all of your friends are home, done with stress, getting a well-deserved break, really stinks. Not to mention that you see people packing up their cars to head home while you are still stuck at the library studying. All I can say is that I hope your final is an early one so you don't have to suffer long. It can be made better by a friend who gets to be by your side. At least you have someone else to be bummed with.
10. You simply cannot fail your finals.
There's not much I am focusing on right now other than getting A's on my finals and raising my grades as high as I can. If I fail my finals I'm not sure what I'd do with myself. So I'll study until my brain feels like jello and get finished as quickly as possible.
The good news is that you are almost done. You are only a few days away from your break that you have been waiting for and FREEDOM for the next 3 weeks. You'll be able to see your family, eat all the junk food you want, as well as binge watch all your favorite shows. So deal with the long hours, the coffee cravings, stress, and early finals, because you can do it! There's nothing stopping you from acing all of your finals, and forgetting all about school for a month. So, good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!