One thing that I love to procrastinate with is YouTube. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. And as this week is finals week, I thought I would describe this stressful time by using GIFs of my favorite YouTubers. If you are procrastinating on YouTube, as I am, then I suggest you check out these vloggers, because they are great.
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You know the feeling. When you're studying. In that last 10 minutes of the exam...
That one song that pops in your head in the middle of an exam, and you can't think of anything else.
Because, you know, that'd probably be less stressful than these exams.
The reaction you have when you find out you made a passing grade on the exam.
For when the professor puts material on the exam that wasn't even gone over.
Because coffee is, of course, a food group. I would probably need to shower in coffee in order to have enough energy.
The warning you give when you just BS'd that whole essay portion of the exam.
What you say when the questions talk about something that you zoned out for.
When you realize you put the wrong answer, even though you knew what it was.
I would be including myself in that. I mean, finals fry your brain enough to make you say things you have no idea what they even mean.
The face you make when you realize you have all your essays due at the same time on the same day, and you haven't started any of them.
Here's a little three-year-old wisdom for when you've had a stressful day.
For reference, the names of the YouTubers in order of the GIFs:
- Zoe Sugg (Zoella)
- Tyler Oakley
- Charlie McDonnell (charlieissocoollike)
- (Tyler again)
- Damon Fizzy
- Connor Franta
- Joe Sugg
- the SacconeJolys
- Louise Pentland (Sprinkleofglitter)
- Alfie Deyes (Pointlessblog)
- Dan Howell (danisnotonfire)
- (the SacconeJolys again)