Finals week is quickly approaching and with that, tons of stress as well. Soon, college students everywhere will be freaking out, inhaling coffee like maniacs, rushing around, and stressing to the max. So, take a break from stressing out about finals and take a look at these finals week situations as told by the NBA.
First, you realize it's finals week.
You're awake all night studying, then you finally look at the time and you have thirty minutes until your exam starts!
You look yourself in the mirror and say, "I got this!"
Then you realize that nothing on your study guide was on your exam.
You finally get a chance to take a nap.
Time to dive into your study guide for the next test!
Your teacher emailed you ten minutes ago with the, "by the way, the exam is cumulative."
But wait! You're so busy studying you forget about food.
Time to study for the next exam. It's your hardest class and you know exactly how the test is going to go.
You walk in knowing it's going to be hard.
Then you see the first question and it's something completely beyond your ability of comprehension.
You wing the heck out of the entire exam, but got an A!
You walk out of your last exam feeling pretty darn great.
Now, the week is finally over and you get to walk out with your dignity in hand.