With the semester finally ending, we all have one bridge to cross before our long-awaited winter break: Finals Week. With 5 exams in 2 days, and multiple 20-page papers due, we've all been close to throwing our textbooks out the window and pulling our hair out. Here's how most of our weeks are going, according to the men of New Girl.
1. When you ask your professor how much of your notes do you need to know for the exam
2. When you've been "studying" for 8 hours and your friends ask you what you've gotten done
3. When you ask your friend to read over your paper to see if it's good enough
4. When it's Friday night and even though you need to study, you encourage your friends to go out
5. When it's hour 36 of studying and Taylor Swift is on repeat because she even has relatable lyrics for finals week
6. When you decide that passing exams is too much of a hassle so you'll just apply for jobs based solely on looks and personality
7. When its midnight, you've been in the library since 10am, you're becoming delirious and think that everyone is out to get you
8. When you complain to your parents about finals on the phone and they claim that "you'll do great"
9. When you think you've gotten a lot done, then look at the study guide and realize you've only gone over one topic so far
10. When your professors tell you the exam is going to be cumulative and 50% of your grade
And hopefully...
11. When you walk out of an exam that you thought you'd fail but actually feel like you did really well on it