Finals are a particularly stressful week in every college kid's life. Motivation is at an all time low, and the importance of succeeding is at an all time high. When adults have told me stories reminiscing on their college days, they have conveniently left out stories of endless hours in the library and tests being thrown at you faster than you can imagine. All that being said, for those of you out there that want to know what college during finals week is actually like, here is a representation of the week as told by Broad City.
You act like everything cool and you have everything under control until you realize you have 5 tests, 3 papers and a group project due by Thursday.
So you decided it is time to spend copious amounts of time in the library to make up for all the lost time during the semester because you're dedicated to your grades.
But after countless hours in the library you start to forget what day, time zone and century you are in.
So you decide to give yourself a well-deserved 30-minute break.
And after countless more hours of studying, you finally decide it is time to call it quits, Unsure if you are actually ready for the test or not.
The day of the test rolls up and you decide it's time to give yourself a pep talk.
You sit down to take the test and you find your groove.
When you walk out of your last test knowing you're free to live your life for the next few weeks of break.
And finally, you realize you get to go home to your family and have some well needed R&R.