Finals week is upon us, and we all know that it's our low point of the semester. Spending hours in the library, pulling all-nighters and writing papers an hour before it's due, finals week make contain some mental breakdowns, but Ross Geller is extremely relatable.
When finals week is hitting you like this:
But instead you do this to forget about all the work you need to do:
When you get a good grade on a final and feel like a genius.
When your professor decides to make the final a group project.
When your professor puts a 10 percent curve on the final.
When you're trying to study and everyone around you is being too loud.
Looking at your to-do list like:
Trying not to listen to your professor when they remind you of what's due.
When you haven't slept in days, and you're falling asleep anywhere and everywhere.
When your final grades come in and you read the professor's comments.
Good luck to everyone on their finals, and be sure to use UNAGI.