Finals week is about to begin and we all know that it is a stressful time. Finals is the time of year that all students hate. Well luckily, we have some characters to help us play out this scenario.
He may be the smartest man in the universe, but Rick is that student that would rather be out partying or crossing through multiple dimensions with his closest buddy. Rick is a lovable guy, but also can be a pain in the butt and drinks a little more than he should.
He is freaking out about the final before even taking it. Morty is a guy that is always scared, he is afraid what the outcome will be and how it affects his future.
She is the person that is confident and knows that she will ace this final. She is prepared for these sorts of things and able to enjoy her social life in the process.
The mom of finals. She is on top of her work, but also trying to keep her friends on track with their stuff. She wants to see herself succeed and her friends succeed as well, but she has some help from a little wine.
The student that knows useless information that has nothing to do with the final. He is that student who is kind of just there and needs to pass the final.
Mr. Meeseeks
The type of student that is there to help you understand information for the final and until you are ready to take it and then they disappear out of thin air.
He is your saving grace of finals week. He is the student that gets you out of that stressful situation to blow off some steam and have some fun in the process.