Finals week is either upon us or a not-so-distant memory right now as you read this. "M*A*S*H" is one of my favorite television shows to binge watch during times of stress. What would I ever do without the funny doctors stationed in Korea, breaking up the gloom in my day? Without further ado, here is finals week as told by "M*A*S*H."
1. You learn how to sound academic, even though you don't know what you're doing.
2. Sleep is a practice reserved only for those who don't pull all-nighters while studying or writing essays.
3. You're trying not to scream or cry, so strange fits of laughter and jokes are a common occurrence.
4. Your appearance and the ability to actually care deteriorates rather quickly.
5. When your family members ask you how finals are going:
7. When your friends are so busy, like you are, that you never see them during finals week.
8. There's a point where you don't if you can survive all of what is asked of you.
9. Then you can see it: the finish line!
10. Hopefully, by the end of this wretched week, we can go home and enjoy ourselves over the holidays.
This may seem contradictory or it may not in the context of this post, but my hope is that we can look back on this week and ahead to future Finals Weeks with a sense of accomplishment. Also it is important to note that attending college and worrying about studying or doing well, is a privilege. As much as I complain about finals and school, I can't forget how blessed I am to be here, studying under great professors and spending my time with great friends I've made along the way. Even though M*A*S*H is fictitious, I am reminded of how even in the midst of a war, the characters were thankful for one another and the life they led. So let us go forth with little trepidation and much knowledge, and kick final exams and essays in the teeth!