As we all know, Joey is not the sharpest tool in the box, if you know what I mean. During finals week, I personally feel as though my intelligence has dropped to about the level of Joey’s if not substantially lower. I often find myself feeling like Joey seems to feel a lot of the time, so I figured I’d channel my inner Joey and pretend that he was the one taking finals instead of me.
1. That moment when your professor tell you that the exam is 230948 multiple choice questions, 98 short answers, and 6 essays.
2. And then you go to your next three classes and the professors all tell you the same thing.
3. So then you start to study and everything's going just hunky-dory
4. Until you remember absolutely zero things.

5. And there's no study guide or cheat-sheet to help you.
6. You suddenly find yourself awake at 5:29 a.m. still staring at the same problem you started at 1:03 p.m. the day before.
7. So you decide to #treatyoself. Obviously.
8. And then four hours go by and you hate yourself because you could've been studying that whole time.
9. And then you think you've mastered a concept
10. So you tell your friends you're the smartest of all the humans.
11. But then you fail the practice test.
12. So at that point you're willing to get a zero on the final, fail out of college, never look back and go live out your days searching for your identical hand twin.
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