Gossip Girl, here! Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of college's elite – finals week edition. You know you love me. XOXO.
1. You're trying to enjoy Thanksgiving break, but your professors keep emailing you to inform you that the end of the semester is rapidly approaching.
2. As if you weren't under enough stress your mom keeps reminding you that she can't wait to see how well you did this semester.
Don't hold your breath, Ma.
3. You realize that you skipped too many classes and are actually weeks behind on the material.
4. You may be a junior, but that doesn't stop you from rethinking your major.
5. Being nice to people you hate just does not fit into your schedule anymore.
6. As if studying wasn't hard enough, you're going through a rough break up (with Netflix).
7. You thought you loved your professor, but then he announces that the final is going to be cumulative.
8. You forgot what life looks like outside the four walls of the library.
9. You walk into your first final confident and ready to take on the world.
9. But then you realize you know absolutely nothing.
10. That one annoying friend won't stop talking about how she has no finals to study for.
11. You haven't showered in days.
You smell like highlighter ink, chicken