Finals week has arrived at Elmira College, and everyone is a ball of nervous energy, ready to explode in screams or tears (or a scary mixture of both). We all feel the pain of finals, don't we? So in honor of the end of Term Two, I present you with this article: Finals week as told by April Ludgate.
1. Your motivation has literally gone down the toilet.
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2. You don't want to talk to anyone.
3. You're slowly losing your sanity.
4. You're becoming violent.
5. You're constantly exhausted.
6. You really don't want to do things...
7. You're drinking far more than you should.
8. You laugh at things that aren't funny.
9. You constantly consider throwing away all your responsibilities.
10. The first test you take makes you feel like a failure.
11. You mourn your college career with alcohol and Netflix.
12. You make a back up plan (just in case).
13. You study harder for your remaining finals.
14. Eventually it'll all be over though... eventually.
15. Just remember -- no one knows what the hell they're doing, so you're not alone!
Finals is never a fun time (unless you have one of those majors where you have never have to do anything, so you just get to hang around and do nothing and not feel bad about it...). In fact, finals is a time for teachers to slam you with an exorbitant amount of work that you probably feel you'll never be able to finish. Don't worry -- we all have the same stress, and we all feel your pain. I promise you'll make it through this horrible time, and just remember that at the end of finals week is break (and break is a wonderful, wonderful thing!).