Finals week is here everyone. Where every possible assignment is due and motivation is at an all-time low. Winter Break is just within our grasps; we just need to make it through the next week or so. There is no better movie to embody the frustration, stress, insanity, and craziness of finals week than one of my favorites, "American Psycho." Because honestly, we all feel a little like Patrick Bateman during finals week.
1. Having your final be a group project.
You know you have a loving teacher when your entire final grade is based off of one project and the fate of your grade depends on a random set of kids that you have never talked to all semester. Who knows, maybe you will be assigned a competent group of kids. But... probably not. Odds are after you have completed the entire project (by yourself) your group members will say something like “we did really well!” while you just give them a hard stare and feel want responding like this.
2. The final presentation.
Sometimes your final grade doesn’t depend on a test, but instead, a presentation. You know the drill. You give your 10-30 minute presentation followed by the class being able to ask you questions. You can’t wait to finally be done so when the class asks you detailed questions about your topic and you decide to end the discussion on the most logical note.
3. Trying to think positive.
You’ve always been told that the best way to succeed on an exam is to work hard and go into it with a positive attitude. However, you have been so stressed with every other assignment in your other classes that you can’t help but still feel nervous. However, maybe you at least try to stay positive.
4. Your lack of effort in the outfits you choose to take your exams.
It’s the end of the semester and you know you will be going on break in a week. As a result, you probably haven’t even bothered to do your laundry or put together a halfway acceptable outfit. So, chances are you’re going to be going to class in that old high school hoodie and sweatpants or pajamas. Is that really the outfit you chose for the day, you assume people are thinking?
5. Being completely over everything.
You just sat in a seat for 2 hours taking an exam while knowing in the back of your head that you still have about four more to go. That’s another 8 hours of testing to go…So when you finish your first final you don’t even bother to look over your answers and you just want to throw the exam back to your teacher and leave immediately.
6. The English final based on a book you should have read.
It has been a known fact since the beginning of time that when an English teacher assigns a book for the class to read, you don’t actually read it. You have way too much on your plate and don’t have time to actually sit down and read an entire book. You either look up the book on an online notes website or find other means of understanding the story. Usually this works, so when your friends ask you how you did so well on the exam you just avoid the subject and give them an idea of how you really learn the information so quickly.
7. Stalling and putting everything off until you absolutely have to work on it.
We all know when you have to work on a presentation, project, or study for an exam, you often find yourself doing anything and everything but actually doing what you are supposed to do. From my experience if someone comes up to talk to me for a second I will not stop talking to them to provide an excuse as to why I’m not studying or working. So when I get the chance to talk about just about anything, I take that full advantage of that opportunity no matter how random my topics get. Music tends to be one of them.
8. The descent into pure insanity.
You would think teachers would want to get all of their assignments out of the way before finals week to make their jobs even easier. But no. Every teacher assigns their tests and projects in the same two or three day period just to mess with you. So when you have 3 papers to write, 4 exams to study for, and a presentation to prepare for all in the same couple of days, let’s just say your thoughts start to head into a different direction.
9. The cumulative exam.
Usually you can handle when a final is just covering the material you learned from the midterm until the end of the year. However, when you realize that one of your exams is cumulative and that you have to try and recall information that you learned three months ago, this is probably your reaction.
10. The challenge of trying to enjoy the holiday season.
If you’re anything like me, you LOVE the holiday season. However, having everything going on during finals week and preparing for everything in December, getting in the festive mood can be hard. You try to hang up decorations to make yourself feel more at one with the holiday but everything else you have to deal with is getting in the way. Maybe next year…
11. Finally finishing.
It’s about time! You finished all of your exams and it’s time to head on home for winter break. This is the moment you have been waiting for all semester and you're glad the stress is finally over.