Currently, I am procrastinating writing a five-page final essay for my poetry class and avoiding studying literary terms. So obviously, I'm browsing through "Bob's Burgers" gifs to entertain myself. I hope this helps with everyone else's procrastination.
1. When you get assigned five-page final essays in three classes:
Honestly, just punching me in the face would hurt less. That's okay, I just won't sleep until finals end and summer begins; stress is my natural state anyway.
2. All of your professors when they make the final:
"Let me just make sure that every single question makes the students want to cry. Oh, and let's add a few short answer questions in there for good measure -- hate to see any of them walking out of class with confidence after this!"
3. When your professor says you can choose your topic for the final essay:
It's a nice sentiment, but regardless, I still want to cry at the thought of writing five or more pages about anything. Oh, and I'm definitely going to fill it up with as many quotes as I possibly can to take up space.
4. When the professor continues to remind your entire class that you have an essay due soon:
I know that I have six assignments due in the next four days and that I'm going to have to pause my TV binge for a few days in order to get through this semester in one piece. I'm well aware of the many papers and finals I have coming up, trust me. In fact, I'm trying very hard to forget about them.
5. When the professor says they're going to scale the final:
*Rates professor as 5 stars for this single decision.*
6. When you've been studying for two hours straight and still don't know anything:
Putting my head in a wood chipper would give me less of a headache, to be honest. This especially sucks when you literally have no idea how to study because you never had to prior to college. College is hard, kids!
7. After pulling a near all-nighter studying:
To be completely honest, this is me on every other day of the week too. If I don't have coffee, my mind isn't going to work, even if I did get a full night's rest.
8. As soon as you turn in your completed final:
That's okay, who needs to pass classes anyway, right? I'll just retake this class for the rest of my life. Who needs a degree?
9. While you wait for the official grades to be posted:
They say that anything can happen if you just believe. Well, I hope you have a whole lot of belief within yourself. Some of these finals are killer.
Good luck to everyone on their finals; I know I'll be praying to more than a few gods for a couple of these classes.